Render beautifully realistic CG environments

    Film.  TV.  Games.  VR.

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    Terragen 4

    Terragen 4 is a powerful solution for building, rendering, and animating realistic natural environments.

    Create entire worlds from your imagination, or import real world terrain data sets and use Terragen to create the most realistic visualizations possible. You control the weather, landscape, rivers, lakes and oceans, suns, moons and stars. With Terragen you have complete control over the shader networks used for terrains, textures, micropolygon displacements, clouds and object distributions. You can reorganize the planetary shading pipeline to suit your goals. Place grass and trees wherever you want, as well as other objects in native TGO or OBJ format.

    Terragen has been used for visual effects in countless feature films as well as numerous major TV productions, game development, VR environments, museum exhibits, documentaries, and more. Some of the largest and most respected visual effects companies in the industry rely on Terragen, including Digital Domain, Industrial Light & Magic, Weta Digital, Scanline VFX, MPC, and many more. Terragen’s powerful displacement and atmospherics engines have a reputation for accurate, photo realistic environments featuring detailed terrains, physically-based volumetric skies, and massive populations of instanced geometry. We have continued to improve these core strengths for Terragen 4, producing new creative options and render capabilities, improved performance, and enhanced workflows.


    Create and manipulate highly realistic terrains based on procedural or heightfield data. Replicate real-world terrains by loading existing heightfields, or go beyond the limits of heightfields by enhancing them with procedurals to create cliffs and overhangs. Seamlessly combine the benefits of both terrain types in one scene, achieving global-scale terrain of nearly infinite detail, from the smallest pebble, to the largest mountains.

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    “Easy Cloud” models correspond to real-world cloud types such as Altocumulus, Cirrocumulus and others. For more control, Terragen’s node system allows you to create virtually any type of cloud, from wispy stratus to cirrus, billowing cumulus, towering thunderheads, mist and fog. Shading models simulate multiple scattering effects, resulting in cloud renderings that can be indistinguishable from photos.

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    Lighting and Atmosphere

    Terragen 4’s physically based atmosphere model simulates not only the common Rayleigh and Mie scattering properties, but also the effects of ozone. Terragen provides all the flexibility you’ll need to light your scenes. Realistic sunlight(s), local, and spot light sources can illuminate anything, and cast ray traced soft shadows. Global illumination enables full lighting interaction between surfaces, atmospheres and clouds.

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    Planetary Scale

    Built around a full planet model, both large and small-scale detail is possible in the same scene. Seamlessly and easily drop down from orbit to a realistically detailed ground level terrain.

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    Import & Export

    Import terrains, texture maps, 3D models, cameras and light sources. Export volumetric clouds (VDBs), terrains (heightmaps, geometry and texture maps), cameras, and more.

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    Render it All

    Terragen is a renderer at heart. Micro-polygon displacements, instancing, physically based volumetrics, path tracing and PBR materials.

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    Terragen Sky – Early Access

    Point, Click, Sky

    Terragen Sky Early Access 2024-12 Update
    1080 810 Planetside Software

    Terragen Sky Early Access introduces “Sky Paint”, a new workspace in which you can add, remove and modify clouds with paint strokes. Now you can have precise control of the shapes and…

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    Terragen 4.8 Release
    1080 810 Planetside Software

    Sky Paint Node Support Terragen has long been able to load project and clip files exported from Terragen Sky Early Access. Now it also supports nodes created by the new Sky Paint…

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    Terragen Professional is Available at Indie Prices
    1080 540 Planetside Software

    Terragen 4 Professional is now available at “Indie” prices!   On November 16th, 2023 we made a big change to our pricing structure. Depending on circumstances, individuals may be eligible to buy…

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    Terragen 4.7 Release
    1080 810 Planetside Software

    Jam-packed with new features and updates, Terragen 4.7 Release builds are ready for the holidays, and now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.   VDB Export Update Optimization options and enhancements have…

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    Terragen RPC – One Year Later
    1080 608 Planetside Software

    It’s been a little over one year since the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) feature was introduced into all the versions of Terragen 4. RPC doesn’t exactly have an interface, making it what…

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    Terrain Techniques – Detail, Warp, Erode
    1080 608 Planetside Software

    In this series of posts, we’ll explore different techniques to create art-directable terrains in Terragen. Starting with a basic form, we’ll modify its shape, then distort it with warp shaders. To achieve…

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    Terrain Techniques – Image Map Shader
    1080 608 Planetside Software

    In this series of posts, we’ll explore different techniques to create art-directable terrains in Terragen. Starting with a basic form, we’ll modify its shape, then distort it with warp shaders. To achieve…

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    Terrain Techniques – Simple Shape Shader
    1080 608 Planetside Software

    In this series of posts, we’ll explore different techniques to create art-directable terrains in Terragen. Starting with a basic form, we’ll modify its shape, then distort it with warp shaders. To achieve…

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    Honda ‘The Origin of Determination’ – VFX by A52
    1080 553 Planetside Software

    Honda’s new commercial, ‘The Origin of Determination’ is a spectacular new brand spot, with all vfx created by A52 through the agency RPA. Terragen Sky – a new, forthcoming application from…

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    Missing Link Set Extensions with Terragen
    Missing Link Skies and Set Extensions with Terragen
    1080 455 Planetside Software

    Some of the many set extensions Joe Beckley created in Terragen for Missing Link All green screen portions were rendered in Terragen We recently got the opportunity to sit down with Joe…

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    Terragen in LAIKA's Missing Link
    An Interview with Joe Beckley, Digital Artist on LAIKA’s “Missing Link”
    1080 444 Planetside Software

    In late 2016 we were contacted by LAIKA, one of the most successful stop motion-focused production companies, and makers of the critically acclaimed “Kubo and the Two Strings”, among many other excellent…

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    Paramount’s 100th Anniversary Logo Created With Terragen
    1024 426 Planetside Software

    Paramount’s 100th Anniversary Logo Created With Terragen Planetside Software worked closely with Devastudios on Paramount’s new 100th Anniversary Logo animation, with extensive use of Terragen throughout the entire sequence. Watch the new logo animation…

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    Lufthansa and Terragen
    1024 429 Planetside Software

    Lufthansa and Terragen A project recently shared on the Planetside Forums impressed us with its seamless integration and highly realistic results. We spoke with artist Marcin Gruszczyk about the project and he…

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    Drain the Earth’s Oceans by 422 South
    917 384 Planetside Software

    Drain the Earth’s Oceans 422 South used Terragen to show the incredible landscape of the ocean floor for the National Geographic Channel and ORF PDF presentation by Chris Hunt, senior 3D artist…

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    Halo 5 : Guardians
    1024 475 Planetside Software

    Halo 5 : Guardians Terragen artist Mukul Soman worked on Halo 5: Guardians,  utilizing Terragen for some really impressive planetary skyboxes. I used Terragen to great effect for rendering 2 cloud cards…

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    360 VR Video Made With Terragen
    1024 512 Planetside Software

    Hangar 1 by Hannes Janetzko Hannes Janetzko brings us an innovative and exciting new use for Terragen, creating fully animated 360 degree VR videos. Check out the short video below, and feel…

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