Attention Oshyan

Started by gradient, March 07, 2007, 11:03:54 PM

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lol, starring nicolas cage and morgan freeman, after all, they're in EVERY other film out.

The Geostation

and including quotes like

Freeman: "We're going to render your a$$!!!"
Cage: "My a$$ is copy protected"
Freeman: "No it's not, we saw it on"
Cage: "You're not..."
Freeman: "Yep, will make a lovely heightfield with thru-camera shader"
Cage: "Just don't go adding any foliage"

Andrew Randle
The Geostation
Andrew Randle
The Geostation


@The Geostation

you really shouldn't be posted transcripts of convos:P  :P :P :P :P
<a href="">My  Terragen Downloads & Gallery</a>


Sounds like you guys haven't had any of your stuff ripped yet...or at least don't know about it.
Images are getting ripped left and right from many of the popular sites....they're getting printed and sold on the streets in the far east (mostly).......some have even ended up on ebay.....

So, would you be happy about some guy stealing your 70+ hour render and then putting it on a print or t-shirt and making a few bucks?

It's me, I see it every day.....


NO i wouldn't be very impressed if this happened... also if they used a render, its not hard to email the owner and ask permission to post on their site etc...

Quote from: gradient on March 09, 2007, 02:57:40 PM
Sounds like you guys haven't had any of your stuff ripped yet...or at least don't know about it.
Images are getting ripped left and right from many of the popular sites....they're getting printed and sold on the streets in the far east (mostly).......some have even ended up on ebay.....

So, would you be happy about some guy stealing your 70+ hour render and then putting it on a print or t-shirt and making a few bucks?

It's me, I see it every day.....
<a href="">My  Terragen Downloads & Gallery</a>


Quote from: gradient on March 09, 2007, 02:57:40 PM
Sounds like you guys haven't had any of your stuff ripped yet...or at least don't know about it.
Images are getting ripped left and right from many of the popular sites....they're getting printed and sold on the streets in the far east (mostly).......some have even ended up on ebay.....

So, would you be happy about some guy stealing your 70+ hour render and then putting it on a print or t-shirt and making a few bucks?

It's me, I see it every day.....

It would be very different from me if someone was A: Claiming my work was theirs or worse yet B: profiting from my work without my permission or even giving me a cut. ;) If I ever become aware of either of those two things happening I'll definitely do my best to get it stopped.

- Oshyan

Dark Fire

I've just had a thought: it would be a good idea to put a link to some generic licence on the forums to give some protection to the images posted here...


I don't know how you picked that image out of all those pictures!  I notice there's no way of contacting the owner of the site ..........
I may be crazy but at least I'm not crazy!