The way in...........UPDATE

Started by yossam, March 06, 2011, 02:27:08 PM

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My quad core was gasping for air when this finished rendering. C&C welcome.


Very nice. The water is very subtle, the rocks are great, and I like the soft haze. The only thing I'd change is the ground at the right front. There should be something happening there; some loose rocks or some shrub or tufts of grass. That corner seems unfinished. A few gulls in the sky, or a kayaker would really turn it to life. Hope this helps.


a landslide of fake stones on the lower right would make it a better render


chiming in to say I like the rock walls!


This one took even longer than the first. Changed a couple of things............lmprovement.........IDK.



Nice work. I smiled after reading that it needs something happening and it ended up being a dead guy :D