Ummm, the Terrain section broke...

Started by Draigr, March 21, 2011, 07:50:13 AM

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Quote from: dandelO on March 21, 2011, 12:21:40 PM
Guess I must be wrong then(a common thing ;p).

This render discrepancy happened because of 'GI surface details' and RTA? Not what I've ever experienced before, or would have assumed in the slightest.

My apologies, Henry, spot on diagnosis! Never saw anything like this due to those settings.

You've got it sorted.

Glad to hear this. I thought it looked like a cloud acc' cache issue when I first saw it but when you posted just after me it seemed you were meaning that the GI surface details and RTA were the cause of the problem, which was why I thought I was wrong in my post above.
I didn't see how that could have been creating those nasty blotches but as I first thought, it obviously wasn't the reason. ;)

I agree, after one week of using TG2 you have apparently got a nice grip on the software already! Keep at it, can't wait to see more! :)


Quote from: Draigr on March 22, 2011, 08:21:43 AM
Also. All my terrain options have mysteriously disappeared, completely.

As some one else said, you've probably moved out from your main planet and that is the one who's terrain settings are listed in the main menu views of the TG2 program.

I still know what you're meaning I remember this 'problem'(Quote-marked because it's not an actual problem, more a workflow confusion).

The simple way around anything like this('problem') is to use the node network as the main working-area, consistently. This way, you can see exactly which planet you're feeding surface shaders(etc) to, without the worry of the details 'disappearing' from the top-left menus. Adding shaders to planets that are newly created, and such, becomes difficult in this way. The default UI is pretty awkward like that.

Sticking to the bottom-right network panel when adding new nodes of any kind will ensure that they always appear where you right-click and, as such, where you want them to appear in your scene.



Thanks for the advice, I'll do the workflow swap over.

I figured it'd be something like that.

Only... I still can't find the colour settings that I originally put in. They've all defaulted black and white, but if you look carefully at the scene, you'll see that the mountains are most definitely not black and white. More several shades of red, grey and green.

Yes. Once upon a time that was a lovely grassy valley.

Amazing what a few lighting tweaks can do isn't it?!