120 shader object

Started by dhavalmistry, April 03, 2007, 04:37:13 PM

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Nice job.  Fast ride.   :o
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Quote from: Aenea on April 06, 2007, 02:38:11 PM
Hey guys!

I got it working.

Like suggested I imported the whitestar.obj-file into a 3d program....

I haven't seen that ship for a while... I modelled one in Lightwave many years ago... wish I knew where it was now.  :o
I just need to tweak that texture a bit more...


Many thanx to all who contributed to this thread on splitting a model up. I've just now done that with one of Moebius87's old sci fi city blocks and for the first time I see all textures. In Imagine3D I grouped like objects[walls, windows, horizontal surfaces,etc.]then corrected the individual object axii to Y up and made the parent axis for each group the same. Saved as an .iob. converted to .3ds and ran it thru PoseRay and it worked a treat. Lotsa conversion work to do now. Oh and by the by, once all .obj's have been loaded in position in TG2 select them all in network [node] view and save collection of nodes as a clip and it'll load in one go in the future.. ...
something borrowed,
something Blue.
Ring out the Old.
Bring in the New
Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist


OK great info, so I am on it, thanks for the info.

Maylock Aromy DeathTwister Stansbury
ATOMIX Productions



However, that's still a lot of work.
On ashundar we were talking about an object with 193 materials... even more work, I wouldn't know where to begin.

Doe anyone know how much priority the implementation of more shader support has in the release?


Increased shader support is not going to make it into the final release at this point. It will have to be a later update.

- Oshyan


"His blood-terragen level is 99.99%...he is definitely drunk on Terragen!"


Quote from: Oshyan on January 11, 2008, 01:37:42 AM
Increased shader support is not going to make it into the final release at this point. It will have to be a later update.

- Oshyan


It's only natural that terrain generation and landscaping itself has most priorty.

BUT, I have noticed it's becoming more and more important that TG2 can work together with other programs. And if shader suport is lacking, we could compensate by outputting the terrain and use it in the other 3D app.
Only the way we must export is way uncool!

I guess better export solutions are on the backburner as well?

Then we'll have to play with the transparency  ;D