Batch_TG2 V7

Started by neon22, July 15, 2011, 08:43:06 PM

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1. The "convert" error is because Imagemagick is missing. Its called by the bat files for recombining.
2. Looks like it just won't work with the new 2.4 XML structure :(
So Sorry no quick fix here :(
double plus ungood.
Sorry dude, I'll get to it as soon as I can.


Hi Neon22,

IT IS CRITICAL that you choose the right packages below so they all match.

PySide 64bits is not available ....  so what am I suppose to do to use Batch_TG2 V7 on 64bits system ?


yes - no 64 bit versions of many of those packages.
Ideally you should use 32 bit python 2.7 and packages.