Incoming... TGD File

Started by nethskie, February 14, 2012, 12:53:20 AM

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Incoming Alien? Incoming Storm? Incoming what? you decide

This is just a simple render / simple image. The purpose of the image is not to impress but to share how it was created and a gift for you all on this valentines day :)

The principle used on this image is the one I used on my deviation:

Punch Hole Cloud

Notes: In this TGD file you will see an example on how to create Rice Terraces and Cloud Hole using image shader. The image i have uploaded is not in anyway spectacular but the possibilities of different scenes to be created using the TGD file is immense.

***The surface is based on Terra Turf Tutorial (updated to PGS Evolution) Link by dandelO  ***

You can visit dandelO's Public Library for tutorials and presets here: Link

Enjoy playing with the TGD file edit all you want! I hope you can show me your finish product :)

If you want to credit me just link my deviantart page if not it's fine :)


Click the images for larger view and you can download there or Download Here


This could be really handy. I have had a hard time in the past trying to get light to a certain place in a shot, so this hole may be a good fix. Thanks.
It has been eaten.