"If you double click on a node, you will get a floating panel, which holds all the parametres of that node. So to change a constant, double click on the node, change the value."
This I understand; but as there are lots and lots of parameters that can be changed............ this still leads me to the same question;
"Where can I access the multiply and bias scalars that are hooked to the Voronoi node?""Bias and Gain scalars use fractions of 1 to control (eg 0.3)."
OK, but I have yet to find any dialogue box which have these parameters. By that, I mean, where is a bias setting; where is a gain setting; where is a multiply setting?
I know how to get the edit dialogue boxes to pop up for a given node, but I can't find these settings anywhere................
Does it have something to do with the colour settings? I feel this is a weird question to ask, but most edit boxes have high and low colours as black and white [eg. in the ContinentShapes node]; but what does colour have to do with shape?
"Everything on the internal network is fully adjustable."
Yeah, but how is what I am asking..................
"There are 4 types of data that can be passed along a node link, displacement, colour (RGB), scalar value (single number) and vector (xyz coordinates). Nodes generally work with multiple types of input, which is why it's so hard to document what you can do with them, as actually there are very few limits."
What is scalar value, where do I find it and what does it do?
"I've diddling with TG2 for over 4 years (and have learned very little!) and made the assumption everyone would know at least as much as I did. My bad!"
Naughty, naughty....................
Seriously, Rich2, I have been "diddling" for a week; like I said, total noob. Really, the generosity of users on this forum is nothing short of remarkable - you should all have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside right now............
One thing I don't understand is the apparent lack of official information; I mean, a User Guide of 26 pages.....really, c'mon, ya gotta be pullin' me leg.....
Anyway, there are literally hundreds of questions that I have; if I can get this planet creator to create something right now, I'll keep coming back with more questions..............
Furthermore, I am not one to just take and take and [yes, you guessed it..] take; I was a high school maths and science teacher - I know how to write good tutorials and would be happy to do so once I have learnt something of use to the community.
I think that it would be really beneficial if all of the "mini tutorials" withing the forums were categorised as Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced; and then linked to a central location for access to all [but I have no idea as to how to do this; but perhaps it would at least be beneficial if there were some tutorial guidelines so that all future tutes could be linked this way].
Anyway, just throwing it out there as food for thought...........