Thomas Kinkaid

Started by masonspappy, April 07, 2012, 06:20:02 PM

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I'm gonna miss this guy. For several years I visited a TK gallery near my home.  It was so easy to immerse myself in his work. The world has lost a shining light.



At the risk of annoying more people with my opinions on non TG2 stuff...

Kinkaid painted images of a beautiful world. arguably, the images were of an idealised America, the America you can see if you just squint a little.
In his paintings, God is in His Heaven and all is right in the world. In this respect at least, Kinkaid has  much in common with the luminists painters of the 1800s. Where life in America is portrayed as The kingdom of Heaven manifest in the landscapes of the nation, the land of milk and honey.
But where the luminists painted mostly landscapes void of people and buildings, Kinkaid added those things. And the modern art establishment hated him for it.

Yes, I agree with the critics that Kinkaid was no master of the brush. And I could never confuse any of his known paintings with a true luminist work. But mastery of the medium is not why he became the best selling painter in the U.S. possibly the world. It was the idea that there is something worth working for, a reason to soldier on. It was the idea expressed in his paintings that an Ideal life was just around the corner. Heck, it was so close you could even hang it on your wall!
Whats funny about the critics is that, I would bet a fortune all of them voted for Obama. They all bought the hope. What a bunch of hypocrites!

Frankly I'm tired of the realism in art (Except for TG2 ;)) I'm tired of all the complaining and bitching, and self aggrandizement and narcissism. Today if art does not piss on something traditional or sacred, it is considered unfit for viewing by the establishment. Well I ask you, what has all the bitching and complaining and insulting achieved? Nothing! Only now there is nothing left to believe in, nothing left to love in art; Only our selves, and I don't mean each other.

I for one, agree with your sentiment masonspappy. To bad he is gone. But maybe his success as an artist is a lesson for us.

I heard a while back that some real estate developer was building a town that was suposed to be just like Kinkaid's paintings. I think it was on 60 minutes, or something like that.
Did anyone else hear about it? Did it ever happen?
It has been eaten.


Kinkaid certainly made one dream in some exaggerated old-fashioned idea and i always thought the idea was a good one. I never had the desire to buy his works. The style to me is just slightly generic and at times the colors are just to hyper-real or vivid which kind of made the settings noisy to some degree.

I read about that project years ago but i have no clue if it ever happened or not. It is fascinating that a painting could be brought to life in some tactile form.