Saving tgo files does not come out right !!!

Started by pclavett, May 29, 2012, 10:28:40 AM

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Hi all !
I seem to have a problem with saving tgo files. I take a flower (picture 1) and change the colour of the petals so that they are orange and come out  with picture 2. I then save the flower as a tgo and then bring it back as a tgo object and come out with picture 3....does not look too good. The same occurs with trees modified in xfrogs, imported as obj and converted to tgo...... There seems to be a checkerboard type absence of texture that I cannot explain. Can somebody enlighten me on this ???



hi pclavett

I had the same problem yesterday. I posted a question about here:
In my case the object was not a xfrog plant, so I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.

Someone who has seen this before and knows what causes it will chime in sooner or later.
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Hmm, I don't generally convert to TG2 (no reason, just a stage I don't have to go through).
If you have the previous version of Terragen ( still on your system see if the same anomaly happens when you go through the same process.

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Quote from: cyphyr on May 29, 2012, 11:46:44 AM
If you have the previous version of Terragen ( still on your system see if the same anomaly happens when you go through the same process.

I dont. I got rid of it because tg2 kept opening files in the old version, even though I told my mac not to do that. Naughty mac, naughty naughty!
Actually, I have been having lots of strange things happen why TG2 is open with a memory intensive file. But I'm waiting to see if the problems persist before reporting.
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Quote from: pclavett on May 29, 2012, 10:28:40 AM
Hi all !
I seem to have a problem with saving tgo files. I take a flower (picture 1) and change the colour of the petals so that they are orange and come out  with picture 2. I then save the flower as a tgo and then bring it back as a tgo object and come out with picture 3....does not look too good. The same occurs with trees modified in xfrogs, imported as obj and converted to tgo...... There seems to be a checkerboard type absence of texture that I cannot explain. Can somebody enlighten me on this ???

I've had the thing where alternate faces were missing, but generally on HUGE models and it was suggested to me that I run the model through pose ray and 'weld' all the faces in the group tab just prior to the export...worked for me but I dunno about yours as it's quite a small model face count wise compared to the huge one I last had the problem with....
something borrowed,
something Blue.
Ring out the Old.
Bring in the New
Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist


I have tried all sorts of ways to do it and see what worked and how it would look when reimported. Have found one way where the thing worked. I imported the original tgo and changed the petals to the wanted color and save the tgo as a clip file. It then appears as a tgc but when you import it back it lines up in the objects and appears as a tgo in the network window. The flowers do turn out perfect that way. If you want a create one with the original tgo and go inside the internal network of the population node, disconnect the original tgo and import the tgc version of the changed flower connect it and voilĂ  ! It did work out well that way....although you do have a few more steps to do. Will try it with trees at some point and see no reason why it should not work ! I am including photos of the colour variations and a population done with a modified tgc import to show that they do come out well. I spent a good part of the day modifying these flowers and would not mind sharing although the original person that gave them out would have to agree and that person would be Walli ! I will try to contact him to check this thread and if he does not mind the sharing...I will post it there.
Take Care !



OOPS..forgot the population !


Hi all
Walli has helped me today to try to find the problem and ha had no problems producing normal appearing tgo's on his computer with my files....this may therefore be a Mac issue !
Will appreciate Planetside's assessment of this issue !
Thanks !


Thanks for looking into it further Paul. We'll see if we can determine whether it's a Mac-specific issue or if there is some other factor involved. We're definitely looking into it.

- Oshyan


Hey Oshyan,
Sorry I did not get back to this right away. Been busy with family and my own work.
I will zip one of my objects for you tonight and e-mail to support.
Its funny how the problem looks different on different models. For example, on the models in this tread the problem seems to effect only leafs, not the stem. But on my model there are no leafs,  the problem effects the stem.
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Received! So the problem should occur if I just load the object up, save as TGO, then load the TGO?

- Oshyan


Quote from: Oshyan on June 02, 2012, 03:07:19 AM
Received! So the problem should occur if I just load the object up, save as TGO, then load the TGO?

- Oshyan


Thanks for letting me know you got the file, Oshyan.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.
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Well, it doesn't happen with those simple steps. But it seems like it might be a Mac-specific thing, so I'll forward it on to Jo to take a look.

- Oshyan


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