Hi all !
Have started a thread for problems with creating new tgo files from old ones at this site:
http://www.planetside.co.uk/forums/index.php?topic=14620.new#newAs stated in my last post, I was willing to share the variations if Walli had no problems and have obtained his permission to do so ! Therefore I thank Walli again for letting us enjoy his excellent work and permit me to share these variations for your enjoyment.
The file is large as it seems to have to transfer as a whole and moving things in and out seems to disconnect the relative tiffs and jpgs from their part and make thing relatively difficult to piece together.....or maybe I am doing this wrong ! You will find in this the entire Walli folder with my added variations in subfolders as tgc files but importing them as tgc's will bring in intact tgo files and as you will see in the thread, you can make populations by going into the internal network of the population node and substituting the imported tgc (appearing in fact as a tgo).
I am therefore making this available at my Mac Idisk site:
https://files.me.com/pclavett/gdsfb3The password is : terragen
You will only have this site for 30 days as mobileme dies at the end of June and appreciate any suggestions as to where we can share large files for free. This information would permit the file to be shared longer. Appreciate any suggestions.
Enjoy and have a nice day !