Firefox 12 (not 3) Color Correction

Started by jamfull, June 28, 2012, 06:02:39 PM

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I just noticed while posting my latest image that firefox 12 (not 3) has color correction. Which is a good thing unless you don't tell it your monitor profile, which is not a built in option. I had to download a color correction Add-On to get a GUI for the color correction options. It says firefox uses a default sRGB profile if you don't input your own, but all the colors were shifted. When I loaded the sRGB ICM file all the colors were corrected properly. I'm not sure which sRGB is the default one but it didn't look right.

I noticed all of this because the image thumbnail in my post was correct but when I clicked and opened my image all the colors were shifted. I use the color correction features in photoshop to make sure the colors are as I like. I always proof for my calibrated monitor and always save in sRGB space for any web image.

If you use Firefox 12 (not 3) all the images you see may have their colors shifted even if they have embedded profiles. I'm going to go back and look through alot of the images posted on here because I suspect that I haven't seen them correctly since I installed Firefox 12(not 3).


*post edited for complacency. ha


Firefox... 3? They're on something like 14 now! Lots of security updates and new features in-between. Probably a recommended update.

That being said, color correction is probably on for FF14 too, so it's likely a good thing to be aware of in any case.

- Oshyan


I think that some sites also are selective about colour profiles?


Haha. I just checked. I have Firefox 12. I don't know what I was thinking.



Apparently now a few hours later my Firefox updated itself to 13. Ha!
