Bug, new item ?

Started by bla bla 2, June 14, 2012, 03:44:00 PM

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bla bla 2

Bonsoir, j'ai un problème depuis que j'ai fais une manipulation, j'ai fais une sauvegarde après et ça à cessez de fonctionnez qui était marquer lors du plantage, j'ouvre le fichier de nouveau je vois pour chaque catégorie, que il y a marquer ' new item ' comrnent on peut corrigé ce problème ? Pourquoi ça à fait ce bug ?

Good evening, I have a problem since I'm handling, I made a backup and after that to stop that are running when the crash was marked, I open the file again I see for each category, as there are marked 'new item' how can fixed this problem? Why is it in this bug?

Help, please !


I'm not sure if I understand what you are describing. What I think you are saying is that Terragen crashed and then you tried to open a backup or copy of the scene and the Objects node list (or all node lists, perhaps) are only showing this "New Item". It looks to me as if the TGD got corrupted somehow. I would have to look at the TGD itself to get more info as I have never heard of this problem before. If you can post the TGD, that would be helpful.

- Oshyan



One reason the lists might display "New Item" is that for some reason they're not able to fill the lists with nodes like they normally would. I've never seen this happen before. Please send me the project file at:


so I can look at it.



bla bla 2

E-mail. Envoyé. Thank you.