Higgs boson (God) particle discovered

Started by TheBadger, July 11, 2012, 08:38:26 PM

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So, Man does not even know for sure if something can have size but not mass ;D lol There is so much we don't know!

I will never understand how people can be so assured of so many things about life, when they cannot even understand basic things about the world, never mind the Universe.

But its just all so interesting! I read through this discussion a few times and just got lost in thought. I realized even my heart was beating fast from all the ideas and questions I have from it. It feels so good to be inspired!
It has been eaten.


It completely depends on how you define "size".

Size is a measure of space, not mass.

If I could make a complete vacuum and draw a line around part of it, there's a size to the vacuum inside the line, but it won't contain any mass.
Just because milk is white doesn't mean that clouds are made of milk.


Quote from: Matt on July 18, 2012, 07:29:52 PM
It completely depends on how you define "size".

Size is a measure of space, not mass.

If I could make a complete vacuum and draw a line around part of it, there's a size to the vacuum inside the line, but it won't contain any mass.

In conventional space it won't, but a vacuum isn't a vacuum, it's far from empty.
We know that the majority of mass is caused by virtual particles which spontaneously arise and disappear as quickly due to quantumfield effects.
These have been predicted long time ago and actually very recently measured (using a fancy rotating magnetic field to displace, focus and concentrate virtual particles until they emitted measurable photons upon decay).

See "A Universe From Nothing by Lawrence Krauss" on Youtube.