reflective sur fake stone shader ?

Started by bla bla 2, September 30, 2012, 10:28:09 AM

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bla bla 2

Bonjour, je veux ajouter des reflets de soleil au roché mais comment on fait pour avoir que le soleil se voit dans les roches ?

Hello, I want to add reflections of sun roché but how do you have that the sun is seen in the rocks ?

(google translate)


If I understand well, you want to see the sun (as a disc) in the rock? If so, you'd have to make the rock extremely smooth and very reflective (raise the reflective index to 1.8 or even higher will make it more metal like). If not, can you explain better?

bla bla 2

Oui, je peux expliquer, je viens de créée une route à partir, de plusieurs " fake stone ".
Et j'aimerais qu'on voit bien le soleil tapant à la route, au moins de jouer avec la couleur de roche à certains endroit ?

Yes, I can explain, I just created a route from, several "fake stone".
And I would like to clearly see the sun entering the road, at least play with the color of rock some place?  ???

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2 :


A reflective shader on your tarmac should do it, then it should be a matter of setting your sun and camera positions, whilst tweaking the reflectivity and displacements on your road surface.