Hi Harvey
I'll try and explain how I built this, which may help you decide what you want to do with it. I suspect that you just need to increase both the black and white levels in the "tweak" node.
As far as I could tell the colour result of the vector derived from Get normal has a value of 0 - 1, providing a deviation from the positive direction of the axis. 1 = 0° and 0 = 180°, with intermediate shades representing the intermediate angles. A value of 1 in the vector corresonds to: X = East, Z = North, Y = Flat (slope)
The Colour adjust shader does (at least) three things:
- White point: sets the maximum deviation from the axis that has 100% of the masked surface applied
- Black point: Sets the minimum deviation from the axis that has 0% of the masked surface applied
- Difference between Black point and White point = "Fuzzy" zone
e.g. (using compass bearings) Z vector, white point 0.5, black point 0.333 will produce a mask providing 100% coverage of slopes facing from 270° thru 360° to 90° (180 +/- (vector x 180)) , fading off to nothing by 240° and 120° respectively.
You could also adjust the gamma to tweak the fall off of the surface in the fuzzy zone.
Connecting the tweak colour to additional shaders is technically redundant. You could also plug it in to the child layer. Connecting it to the fractal breakup also requires changing the coverage/breakup settings.
The computer terrain (or a computer normal) should be the only input, using the outputs as mask for surfaces (connect to fractal breakup, blending shader etc...)
Hope this helps