Yo! Very cool work! Sorry for my silence, I was sleeping. Now, I'm going to drink my tea, and explore your "new new" file (7.4 & 7.8 version) and play with it a moment.

Just a little precision about the graph I've shown here: It's just one of the many many many pathetic attempts I produced... There was worst and better things. I've also noticed the similarity betwen voronoi Cell and Diff and used it a lot.
I think my plan need to be:
1- Draw the cells.
2- Exclude the small ones (the darkest ones).
3- Tweak the remaining cells (same max value in each cell). That's the tricky part, because I want almost the same height and size for all my rocks. So I can't just clamp the values.
4- Apply my vertical dispacements (to deform the terrain) on a big part of the cell.
5- Build the rock with a smaller part or the cell.
6- Pray to obtain "rounded rocks" (voronoi cells gradient are not so round, and, by the way, we must apply huge displacements).
That would be much much easier if we had an other type of noise, which draws a radial gradient from the center to the border of the cell. And if we could calibrate the maximum and minimum size of a cell (smaller cells are so boring).

I can also try to work with a perlin noise.
nb: I really need to learn english... Try to explain something here is so long and painfull. Hope you understand. :/