Jo Kariboo WIP road

Started by Jo Kariboo, March 02, 2013, 12:00:07 PM

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Sounds great, Jo. Looking forward to it. Indeed, first win this competition!


Hey Jo, the BWs look great. But I have one complaint...

They really do look great, but they feel to clean. Nature is dirty. But these images feel like they are to perfect. I don't feel like there is any dirt or dust on top of the surfaces. I see that you have it, but it looks solid to me, more like the texture of a rock than sand on top of the rock.

It could just be me. But They just feel to clean and solid. However, the color images do work a little better in this regard.
It has been eaten.


I love all of these Jo, and the b&w process really adds drama!

Jo Kariboo

nothing excellent = difficult choice
I have perhaps Saturday to improve one of them.


The last two are my favorite. There all really very awesome, Jo!
It has been eaten.


I like nr 2b and the B&W one very much. But the B&W won't be good for the contest, I guess. In 2b I would replace the front oak or cut it out; its leaves decrease the reality. Hard choosing... good luck, Jo.


They all look good; a hard decision here. The last image is fabulous; but, you will need to have it in color.

bla bla 2

A toi de décidé. Il y a trop de choix. Ca va être chaud. Mais je préfère l'avant dernière images.  ;)

It's your decision. There are too many choices. It's gonna be hot. But I prefer the penultimate images. ;)


Each one is very good. I think I like 1B and 2 a bit more, they seem a little bit more panoramic. The colors work so well in all of them. Tough choice!

Zairyn Arsyn

all six of them look great :)

but 3 would be my favorite

i7 2600k 3.4GHZ|G.skill 16GB 1600MHZ|Asus P8P67 EVO|Evga 770GTX 4GB|SB X-FI|Antec 750W


I still really love the sunset one, although daytime version of that one is probably 2nd favorite. Both of those suffer from the flat planes for leaves on the foreground tree on the right though. The 1st/2nd images (hard to say which crop is better) have most of the character of the sunset/daytime pair, without the problematic foreground tree, so might be a good compromise. But I'd consider just taking that tree out, if you can't find a more detailed one, and going with either the sunset or daytime version of that one.

- Oshyan


My favorite is number 3 if you could get it sharper (why is it so blurry?) and replace that leftmost tree with a higher quality model.

Jo Kariboo

Thanks all for your suggestions. Finally I try a others one yesterday (big rush).
Today I work and I make a chance with this one for the final.

Thank you for viewing !  :) 


Hmmmm...I think I liked the previous versions better Jo!
To be honest they had more depth, photorealism, balance, better road etc.

You can still reconsider :)



I agree with TU here, Jo. Number 1b is your strongest one, if you ask me.

Generally, you would try to avoid using anything in your image that is not perfect enough to be "near realistic" at least. Those trees in the foreground are a problem, because of the models themselves. Now the last image that you submitted, had even *increased* the focus on those trees, which is exactly what you would want to avoid.