Jo Kariboo WIP road

Started by Jo Kariboo, March 02, 2013, 12:00:07 PM

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Jo Kariboo

I began this image with "desert road" of dandel'O. I try recreate the light at the beginning of the day on spring season.
vegetations: dune and x-frog
sasha: I download the human figure at this link. Where are the file?  Actually I don't retrace it,

I have any idea if I am illigible by using the file of someone else, but as I said previously I don't know how create a realist road!

Jo Kariboo

A other one and for the following ones I go tried some thing of very different ! Just for fun !!!   :P


I think you've got a very good start! I like the soft lighting in the distance and the road retreating into the mist. There's an odd black shape on the road in the foreground, is that a "worn" road, or a tree shadow, or what? Other than that, I think you're heading in the right direction. The shadowy figure in the distance is very cool. :D

- Oshyan

Jo Kariboo

Thank you Oshyan for your comment. For the black shape, sincerly I don't know, but it's not a shadow. I try to remove it.   :)


Nice one Jo :) I like the sense of scale here as well as the clouds and lighting.
Two things for improvement come to my mind, if I may, first the road looks a bit unused perhaps and secondly the stones could  use some work.


Agree with Martin. Maybe also give the larger stones some patchy occurrence, or piles, not as spread as this. But I really like the bluish misty background. How did you get the blue into there? Increase blue sky density or change the color of the haze?

Jo Kariboo

Thank you Dune for your suggestion. I reduce actually the quantity of fakestone. The haze is grey but I increase the blue sky density at 3.5 .


Nice setup. I like the view in the distance.


A very nice landscape, the color pallette is especially pleasing.


Great image and I agree about the cool colour palate.

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Really like this leap forward!

Agree the gravel path should be broken up a bit. But great looking render already!
It has been eaten.

Jo Kariboo

Old abandoned country road. I change the POV and the road etc.
Thank for comments and critics.