Roll of drums, fanfare, flicker of lightening on the horizon. The blood red velour curtains are drawn to reveal ....
Erm, what? The winner, the judging panel, what exactly.
In short (sorry about the preamble and sorry if this has been already sorted) what will the judging method be? A number of options were mentioned at the start but if there has been a decision I'm unaware of it.
Some suggestions:
1. Get an
industry pro to cast their eye over the final entries.
2. Get a "civilian" (someone with little VFX knowledge at all) to do the same.
3. Public (ie: forum members) vote by poll.
4. Private vote, NWDA members decide, it is their comp after all.
5. Sponsor vote, well they are paying for it.
6. A combination of the above.

Just wondering really with no emphasis one way or the other. I'm really enjoying the challenge of the competition regardless of the outcome or how it's arrived at.
