Hey guys,
it's simply amazing to see how far you have pushed the envelope this time! Truly beautiful and stunning images!
Now, there is now a bit less than 1 week to go before the deadline for submission kicks in!
Please make sure you finish what you started and that you send your final result to the specified email address. It would be a shame if any of the images in this contest would not be submitted, so please finish them all up on time.
Deadline is this week sunday, April 14th, shortly before midnight Central European Time.
What happens then is that a jury will go through the voting process. We will take at least a week for every jury member to cast their votes and for us to publish the winners.
I hope you agree with me that this has been (and still is) a very fun contest with lots of lessons learned. Once again I have the feeling that this contest has made us all more experienced artists and Terragen 2 users.
Best regards