Somewhere in the lost garden

Started by Nacer Eddine, May 25, 2013, 03:54:00 AM

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First and last ones for me. They look rather good I think!
It has been eaten.

Nacer Eddine

Volker Harun

Heya Nacer, the video is not available in Germany, due to the used music.

I do like the lighting of your renders. They lack a bit of that point of interest, this eyecatchng moment. Check the rule of thirds (google it). :)

Nacer Eddine

Hi Volker,
i don't know why y have problem with the video in germany,
for me i havent receive Message for no permission from google or youtube, every thing its all right
the second thing, this music is old i think its in 1998 or something like that.
but whatever, iam new in terragen i have descovered it about 2 months, so iam very begginer and i need some tutorials.
i hope i will do my best next time.

Volker Harun

Heya Nacer,
YouTube tells me that the copyright of that song would belong to EMI ... german laws are quite restrictive concerning these things ... my bad luck.

So .. 2 months of terragen ... I assume that you did use some other software before ... at least it took me couple of more months to get this kind of lighting ,-)
Number 4 of your renders is imho the best composition.
That tree is just in the right position to catch your eye.

Concerning the 'rule of thirds': never ever try to fulfill it to 100%. Get a feeling for it. Look at image number 4: The tree is almost at one third of the right hand side. And looks fine. Now consider that the greens to the left would be less saturated, then the tree would be better off being a bit more to the right to get some balance.

If you look at my renders, I am trying to overdo this rule. Having very dark (no informations) one one side and bright, detail rich areas on the other. Your eye always wants to center on an image. And then ... as a second reaction, your eye wants to leave an image. But having details, information, forms, borders, colors aside the center in an image ... this will keep the eye of the beholder jump from this point to the center and back and forth ...
Now comes the interesting point, the brain is prepairing  a story, adds thoughts to justify the eyes' captureness.

Just go on and get the fever :D