Realism Test TGD

Started by Gannaingh, January 16, 2012, 01:27:02 AM

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I'm sorry this took so long for me to post, school has been very, very busy and I wanted to make sure I wasn't giving away any NWDA products. This is the TGD fro my latest scene, Realism Test. All of the lighting and atmosphere is intact, but it doesn't have any of the models and lacks some of the terrain features due to them being part of NWDA preset packages. Hopefully this will be able to help some of you in you future work.



No answers ?????????????????????????

Thank you so much. Great scene!


Thanks for getting back to this Dath.
It has been eaten.


Sure thing! Hopefully it helps :)

Henry Blewer

This is one I was hoping to see how it was set up. Thanks!
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


This is awesome, one of the best scenes I've seen! Thanks man! :)


this is a picture of a terragen with rocks. if you would like this tgd file email me.


Andrew March

Yeah because people often send random emails asking for scene files to some unknown aol account.

Post the scene here for people to download ;)