Motion capture Kinect + OSX!

Started by TheBadger, August 06, 2013, 01:17:50 AM

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I looked into this about a year ago. But at the time, I could not find OSX soft to work with the Xbox Kinect.
But now Its here

Great! With a few other things, this could make it possible for me to pull off the stuff I have been working on.
Any experience or opinions out there on this topic?! I would appreciate some thoughts.

I have seen some youtube videos of Kinect in action with 3D soft. I think it was max at the time (also a year or more ago) It looked to be working really really well. get started Tutorials

What do you think?
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I read about this:
The difference is mainly 60fps VS. 30fps on the kinect. I read that the fps is what makes the best results.

My question is, is 60fps enough to do high quality (even photo real) movement?
I see that games and cartoons work rather well, but I don't know about it from the perspective of someone after as much realism as possible. Does anyone know what the fps in a pro studio would be with there super systems?

I feel like the more natural and life like my animation, the less necessary it is to have photo real characters. I can get away with more.

Does anyone here have any experience with using motion capture in any form? Do you know of some writing that I should read? Am I barking up the wrong tree, or does this stuff really work?.. I think it does, but what is the highest level of quality I could really get?

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