Character Animation within TG2

Started by digidon, June 18, 2007, 12:29:11 AM

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  In playing around with Poser 7 I noticed that after creating a character animation, you can export it as sequentially numbered object files, rather than image files.  So, I decided to step through a TG2 animation and load the Poser .obj files into each TG2 key frame( objects\object name\Filename).  The result is at this address:  The movie is short and crude but illustrates the idea - the character is moving and speaking while TG2's sun heading sweeps through 60 degrees.

  This looks like a simple option to add in a future TG2 version.  It only adds about 3 seconds to the render time of each frame.  Simply specify which key frame to begin reading the .obj file folder( it's always simple when you're not the programmer).

  This would allow talking characters in an animated landscape.  Add a music track and you've got a real movie.


Nice to see an animation for a change  ;)  In a way it might be nice to do be able to do this for other files as well. There might be 2 options:
1.  (requiring a file for every frame) could be the reverse of the output file naming e.g. myobject.%4d.obj or myimage.%4d.tif, or
2. being able to set a filename as a key frame and import a list of files

As an interim method, you could use TGDCLI to render the frames, put your render files in one directory and the animated versions of the files (objects/images) in another and simply add a copy command to replace the object  in the render files in between rendering each frame.


Support for image sequences should be available at some point. I don't know about object sequences but it seems reasonable to include.

- Oshyan


So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?