rendering at higher resolutions

Started by brianj, June 19, 2007, 05:44:50 PM

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I'm a very noob user, so forgive the noobness of my question :)

On the pre-order page it mentions rendering at resolutions higher than 800x600 for paid users.  I pre-ordered and installed the license, but when I select "render" it always brings up the 800x600 window and I don't see an obvious way to change this.  Is there a way?  Or is this feature not yet implemented?

thanks!  I'm having a lot of fun with this app btw, and think it will be very useful to me.


You adjust rendering resolution by going to the Renderers tab and selecting one of the rendering nodes (Full Render or Quick Render). Then change the Image Width and Image Height settings.

Given that you should be running the licensed pre-order version make sure that you did install it from the specific download link provided and you are not simply using the free version that is publicly available. This version will not respond to a license key by activating features.

- Oshyan


Thanks so much!  You were right on both counts.  Although I pre-ordered, I was using the free version.  Also, I was using the "render" pulldown instead of the render tab.  Yay!  Got my first HD-quality render done last night :)


Congrats! I'm glad to be of help. :)

- Oshyan