Soft shadows render time

Started by Dune, December 13, 2013, 10:01:24 AM

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Has anyone ever tested how sample number effects render time in soft shadows? With rough country I usually use a slightly upped diameter (0.9-1) and 4 samples. Works good enough. Will 8 samples double render time? I can test myself of course, but I'm sure one of you guys has done that already.


I haven't done any testing on render times, but the main question for me would be what difference does it make in the appearance of the shadows. Here's a basic sample. Detail = 1, 15° shadow.  4 samples: 5' 53", 9 samples: 7' 33"  The latter is noticeably smoother.


I haven't come to testing either, but you already showed a difference of around 50% extra time. For small render that's no problem, but waiting 10 hours or 15 is a huge difference, so you'd have to check carefully if it's really needed and in what detail/samples. Usually it's only beneficial in foreground I'd say, and mostly on the smoother surfaces. If you have lots of rugged vegetation, it's probably not very noticable. Clouds don't benefit either is my guess.
It would be a great asset if soft shadows could be calculated such that it doesn't take extra time, or hardly! But I'm not a programmer. If I find some time, I'll do some testing.....