Beach (no high seas)

Started by Dune, January 04, 2014, 04:10:52 AM

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something borrowed,
something Blue.
Ring out the Old.
Bring in the New
Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist


Yeah, but just not yet. Now it's ok, with the washed out area around the pole and without the ugly small ridges.

And another setup, with water on a plane.


Can look at these latest images for hours ... as always, very professional work.


So have you figured out yet how to make the waves follow the shoreline instead of forming a straight line? I know this issue came up some time ago. The foam still looks a bit too solid to me up close, but overall it's excellent of course. I can smell the saltwater just looking at this :)


well the post one kicks butt...really like the detailing around the post area is my only comment on the water....
something borrowed,
something Blue.
Ring out the Old.
Bring in the New
Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist


It's quite interesting to figure out how to make water without a water shader. The problem I have with the lake/plane/sphere waterbase is that there's always a sharp end, while in fact water creeps up a little (adhesion) to stuff (rocks, etc). But the problem with this setup (here's one again without water shader) is that you miss the transparency. It's faked, by having the ground color only overruled by 'sea colors' in deeper water, before the RT reflective shader takes over. I will experiment with translucency of the default shader and the Lambert shader, but have no high hopes. I would probably have to take the ground colors (with fake stones and all) and have them color the shallow water without the displacement, perhaps witha tiny shift (transform shader), like the water shader does. But then you miss the sun's influence. Just thinking aloud...


Can you not just apply this stuff on top of a Water Shader?

- Oshyan


On top doesn't work if you mean the water shader, it will black out all previous color. If you mean another plane (lake, plane, sphere, planet), yes that I can do and did, but this will slide into the planet's surface and might pop up where I don't want it. The nice thing here is that I can exactly define the upper/outer edge of where the water should end.
With a large angle between water surface and shore, it's easy, and an extra plane is better, but with the very fine 'slide' of water over the sand, this works quite well.


There ought to be a way to fix the "blacking out" problem. Using the water shader is going to be the only way to get proper transparency, which should enhance realism a good amount.

- Oshyan


I'll keep on experimenting......


Well I'm rooting for ya man, the closest I've seen to lake water yet....
something borrowed,
something Blue.
Ring out the Old.
Bring in the New
Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist


2 more


Very good. Better than reality, but just like it's real, if this makes sense.  Beautifully done.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


The shore effect is working gang busters but I have issues with the larger waves looking more rock like than wave like...Perhaps transparency is needed?
something borrowed,
something Blue.
Ring out the Old.
Bring in the New
Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist


Yes, it's kinda muddy, but it's not a water shader. I have to bring this into another surface (sphere/plane/lake) and use a water shader.