Hi All
[edit]I'm slowly planning an overhaul of my websites which is going to take a while, but I'll use this post to announce additions to my terrains before then. [edit] and while slowly overhauling it, I'm now moving it as well. New terrains will be posted to
http://www.bigben.id.au/terragen/, but don't bookmark anything yet as the site is in a state of flux. [/edit]
Changes to the previous versions include:
- Changing terrain projection to UTM to simplify tiling
- Additional images for creating masks for surfacing or population control
- Files are now compressed in 7zip format. I use ZipGenius (free) but most other decompression utilities should be able to handle them as well.
I haven't included the "extra-wide" terrains partly for space reasons but mainly because combining the terrains currently requires the terrains to be flattened. This may change later. To give you an idea of sizes, the Grand Canyon set is a total download of around 400Mb (about half of which is taken up by the landsat images). The files are compiled from a collection of around 10Gb of data.
There are no images associated with the 40km terrains because the images for the 80km terrains are the same resolution as the previous 40km images. Other than that, you're pretty much at my mercy for now as to which files/sizes are released. This is the stuff I prepare for my own use.
Additional information is included on the web pages.
Terrain SetsBefore downloading these, be aware that there is some stepping in the very flat regions of these terrains, probably due to my conversion processes.
This will probably not change until I can afford a newer version of GlobalMapper. I now have the latest version of GlobalMapper. There may still be some stepping in terrains on my new site but this will be largely due to stepping in the original data.