Project : Celestrial

Started by zionner, July 04, 2007, 01:44:48 PM

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Hey All..

I'm Starting A Project Where A group of People Will Handcraft A Planet In TG 2, I Feel This Project Can be Useful, Fun, Challenging and Can be on of the first (Not sure if there has been before) Group Completed Project on a scale such as this

Everyone Who is Interested In helping with this Project...Post Area you would like to help with, E.G Water, Mountains, Lighting, Stones Just anything

Since I Have Started Trying to get better Water, That is The Area I am Taking, Although there is always space for more people!



I'll be willing to work in arctic regions, I'll see if I can make some nice poles, icebergs, and glaciers.
The world is round... so you have to use spherical projection.


Nice, What we'll also Have to Do Is when Updates are released, like transparent Shader..We'll Have to Do V2 Ect..

Volker Harun

Do you have a rough workflow in mind? Working with masked procedurals or with heightfields?



Weel Trying To Use Hightfields Would not come out right..We'll Have to have a look at how we will do that


Volker is right. People need to have an understanding of where the project is going as a whole. If we are going to try to use fractals, there are some major issues awaiting us (at least if we want to add water). Speaking of water, what method are we shooting for (i.e. apply as surface layer, use a sphere). Here is a file of my attempt at this type of project from a while back (orignally based on the terracell project). There are alot of issues to deal with and it will probably help set a direction for how we want to go about the design. Fear not the billion nodes.  ;)

There is also a picture of the planet with EXTREMELY basic surfacing.


Well....I'm Not sure if this would work..But we could start of with a power Fractal, Then Where requiered Flatten Certain Spaces down with a hightfield?


Numerous heightfields have proven to be some problems.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


In that Case We'll Have to have a look and find a way to do it, This disscussion was set off in my other post...and I think Oshyan Posted an idea/Solution..Not Sure though, I'll have a look in a while when i Get back in a few hours


I would avoid use of heightfields for a planetary-scale solution. They don't wrap well to a sphere. You can use some basic function node setups to flatten certain areas for water and then selectively apply displacement for wave shape. This should not be terribly difficult. There are solutions for this (for example see the Canyon function setup) elsewhere on the forums in previous discussion.

- Oshyan
