
Started by Oleg S., March 15, 2014, 02:01:34 PM

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Oleg S.

Hi everyone! I am a novice user software Terragen. Thank all the developers of this wonderful software.
Based on the experience of masters of this case I am trying to create something acceptable.
I do not have the opportunity to purchase a full version of the software product and therefore forced myself to try the demo version.



Looks nice!
Welcome to the forum Oleg.
I would make the clouds just a little less outstanding
with less white and thickness and maybe change the underside in some way.
I like the foam under the ship.Is it in TG3 or postwork?
The quality says you are a much longer time in 3D and this isn't much you first try?


Welcome, Oleg. Now this is a good start! Agree with Kadri about the clouds. The ocean already looks quite good. The sails look very bright. Did you use another lightsource?


Thats a pretty great first render. Pretty good for a 4th or 5th too.
It has been eaten.


Nice to have a new member. Hope you post a lot and will be able to purchase a full version in due time. It's terrific software.

This is a nice start, and I agree about the clouds. It would even look better if you just did some default cloud layers, and hit seed a few times for a nice coverage. This cloud is too dense, hard and white, I'm afraid.
Did you use any transparency in the water? A bit of a greenish density would be nice, and maybe just make the reflection a bit less, say 0.8-0.9. But the sea itself is very convincing, as is the added foam. Booby, shearwater or gannet (?) is post I presume?


Wow! Great start for sure. Agree with the above about the clouds and I also interested how much post work this pix has? And the foam is TG?
Dell T5500 with Dual Hexa Xeon CPU 3Ghz, 32Gb ram, GTX 1080
Amiga 1200 8Mb ram, 8Gb ssd


Nice start! There's some great job done with the waves!

Um... any possibility you could share the ship .obj file? If no, I'll just shut up. ;D
"This year - a factory of semiconductors. Next year - a factory of whole conductors!"

Oleg S.

Hi! I agree that the cloud can be done better , but yet I have little experience in editing uzlov.Chto regard sails , I added a bit of luminescence , for without it they seemed too dark . Foam under the ship and petrel - post-processing ( I do not know how to embed the alpha stage plan.
Until recently, I was trying to do in the software Vue (http://www.cornucopia3d.com/portfolio/olegen). Now I try to gain experience in Terragen. In that and other software has its advantages and disadvantages, but it seemed to me that realism in Terragen achieve easier , although it is more difficult to use.
Many thanks to all for the comments.


Oleg your images there are very good (not surprised :) )
The renders in the two programs does feel different mostly.
It depends at the same time on the user post work etc. of course.
But i think too that Terragen is more realistic in general and that was my main reason at choosing it Oleg.
The interesting part on my side is that the way my images end aren't much in that kind of "realistic" style :)

Zairyn Arsyn

excellent first render. way better than mine.

i like the foam, tho to me the water looks a tad bit too reflective.

agree with everyone above about the clouds, they could need some work.

i7 2600k 3.4GHZ|G.skill 16GB 1600MHZ|Asus P8P67 EVO|Evga 770GTX 4GB|SB X-FI|Antec 750W


I've admired your work over at the Cornucopia3D galleries. Happy to see another potential Vue ex-patriot  ;).  If you follow thru with TG I think we're all in for some very fine images in the future, welcome!