PC Error

Started by Dune, August 21, 2014, 03:10:01 AM

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Well, they 'repaired' it  >:( Actually, they just turned off monitoring of the cpu fan, which is a feature of the mobo. I could have done that, but didn't because IMO it's important that its speed is monitored, and gives a warning if it fails, so the cpu won't burn. Cost me a few hours ride and 17 euro's for this 'solution'.
So, what do you guys think of this; is it a 'legitimate repair',  or should I insist on a more fundamental repair, which will probably be a new mobo? IMO, a mobo is defect if not all works as it should!


Your CPU should still automatically shut down if it goes over-temp, even without the fan warning. It's a lame "fix" but a motherboard replacement is a pretty major surgery, hehe.

- Oshyan


You're probably right, but it pisses me off that they 'repair' it and charge me for something I could easily have done myself, in fact even considered, but didn't do. They could have told me this 'solution' in the mail correspondence.
I've sent a mail to Asus, see what they say; maybe I can get a discount out of it for my next machine at this vendor if they won't fundamentally repair/replace...


I agree they should have told you that could be a possible solution in email.

- Oshyan