Object appear leaning/slanted

Started by masonspappy, May 31, 2015, 01:34:41 AM

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Just wondering if anyone has had this experience.   if you study the right and left sides of the house, you'll see that they sort of lean inward, toward the center. Happens in other renders as well.  Is it possible to correct for this? Would really appreciate any feedback. 


Yes, it's just like in photography. I sometimes wish it were possible to work in TG like in those old plate camera's with the opportunity to straighten out perspective of buildings and such. At least to a degree of plausibility.
BTW, you probably have an inverted poly on the top of your chimney.

Upon Infinity

It's just the perspective of the camera.  The effect can be lessened or exaggerated by either widening or zooming the lens.  Terragen also has an orthographic function to their camera which will remove all perspective from the view (thereby fixing the "problem").  Although I have no experience using their ortho camera, so I can't help you much with setting it up.


Thanks for the feedback. I finally settled on moving the camera up (as suggested) and that pretty much fixed the problem.  @ Dune, thanks for the tip about the inverted poly.