Light Ash Fall

Started by EoinArmstrong, October 26, 2014, 06:04:52 PM

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Going for a mild, post-volcanic look.  Surface is a variation on my Mars/stony sand surface.  Small 'plants' by XFrog; large 'tree' geometry created by me in XFrog (tex is XFrogs).


Not sure about the tree but i like the image.


I like this one as well. Being a post-eruption image, maybe adding a limited amount of some low growing ground covers interspersed among the low spots.


Nice atmpshere (strange that these apocalyptic landscapes are always so 'nice'). Maybe some dust on the tree branches, or part of it burned?


Bleak and pleasantly pleasing to the eye, as Ulco said...
Great terrain and details!


Yes, some dust on the tree would be good. Also, maybe... some tilted strata, not much along the side of the mountain. Something warped a bit.


Good work with a strong moody atmosphere.