What could be causing these lines?

Started by TheBadger, October 30, 2014, 01:20:18 AM

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Got this. It happens along/near the edge of a simple shape shader, the sss has a large terrain area, there is another sss across from the first, between the two is a valley and the focus of my scene. I don't know if this bad effect is happing in other places or not.

I have to twist and sheers in the scene, the one is with the first sss, and the second with the other sss. The direction of the tilt is to one another.

What is the likely cause of the issue? As you can imagine, this kind of displacement is slaughtering my render time. Just that little bit you see added 2* what it was without.

The thing is, I did not do anything new to the scene, only copied what I already had and put it on the other side of the valley.


It has been eaten.


There must be some lateral displacement somewhere (redirect, vdisp, lateral displ, tilt, strata). Did you use a soft edge on the SSS's? Otherwise try to restrict lateral displacement by other means, like height, slope...


Hey thanks. Looks like the effect is coming from a strata node. Just never had strata so tightly packed before so dod not recognize it. Slope or altitude should fix it. Looks nice in other places, got to make sure I can keep what I like.
It has been eaten.