It was cold, but not as cold as when I was in Alaska a few years back. It was a similar time of year for both trips, early March basically. Alaska got down to -20 or so (in the middle of the night, Aurora watching), Iceland around 0 (both fahrenheit). In Alaska I had been up near Fairbanks; in Iceland we started in Reykjavik, of course, then explored North as far as Stykkishólmur and East a bit past Höfn, so we covered a fair bit of territory.
The food was unremarkable at best, and always, always overpriced (or rather, expensive; "overpriced" is relative I suppose, and food resources there are such that food is almost bound to be expensive). There were a few meals I enjoyed a good amount, around $40 each time for those, and then some "cheaper" meals around $20-$30 which were largely forgettable. Nothing downright terrible that I recall. Cheapest thing we got were some noodles in Reykjavik, a little less than $10 I think, hehe.
The women were attractive, but most of them are in Reykjavik (where 2/3 of the entire country's population resides), and we were more interested in exploring the landscape, where we mostly saw tourists. So our itinerary wasn't as compatible with babe watching.

Basically, I like the look of Icelandic women, but I don't recall being like "Wow, so many attractive women!", whereas when I was in Amsterdam more than 10 years ago it was definitely that, hehe (and no, not in the Red Light district!). There was this *one* woman who worked at our hostel though, man...

Anyway, I suspect if you stuck around Reykjavik and enjoyed some of their crazy nightlife more than we did, that you'd probably be proven right. The Icelanders we met were all very friendly and nice people. But their night life doesn't really start until around 1AM, and our "night life" was Aurora, so...
Anyway, Badger, I didn't find much of use for your request I don't think. You might find some interesting things in Part 2 (of 3) that I will be posting soon though. I'll update this thread when I do. I want someone to do an ice cave!

- Oshyan