Is it better to leave motion blur off for fog?

Started by TheBadger, November 29, 2015, 08:35:11 PM

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Its kinda more of a mist, I guess, that I made and am trying to render now. I want to know from you guys if it would be better to render a very soft motion of clouds with motion blur turned off?

As I understand it, motion blur off, will render faster. But also, give the look of mist/fog like clouds, VS more normal clouds, would it help visually to have MB turned off?

What do you think about it?

Here are some videos I found on you vimeo that show fog mist. I feel like making fog mist, needs to be treaded differently in TG, other than node settings.
I like the movement here, in my case I know I want much slower movement though.
This video is much like what I have and am trying to get. The movement is about the exact speed I want. Here it has a grain to it. I think grain would be kinda impossible if MB is turned on, is that reasonable to say? (look below the horizon line) I think that I want a little grain, because most photos and videos of fog have it, and I think people will expect it to look real?

I want to render this out using render elements in TG. Not exactly sure how I need to do that yet. Not sure how it will come out. I think that I need it as alpha layer to composite in AE?
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Just don't forget that you have motion blur only for the camera move for now in Terragen.
If your camera is static there is no motion blur.


Well I did forget. Thanks kadri  :o Actually I thought we just did not have motion blur for imported objects, but I thought we did have it for TG native stuff, or at least clouds.

Well, I think that solves that.

Here are the clouds Im playing with.
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I clicked 4D noise on. and put it at .05 in the density node . I also animated the Y of the cloud node from 3.67374 to 3.5.

I really don't feel confident at all about what I am trying to do here, including with the settings above but also my greater plan.

What do you say about that little bit above, and what else would I do to be sure i don't have to render twice?.. Well three times, because I already canceled a render due to the fact that I have no idea where the frames went, and also my test render was coming in at 30 min per frame at 1000 pix and detail .55. Which was too long for a test anyway.

I gota say I wish we had a cloud preview render window that would at least let us check the movement and general look of the clouds in real time. Also, I gota say, I wish animation controls could be centralized vs (or in addition too) being separate to every parameter of every individual node. A master control in the render node window may be a nice touch.
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