
Started by j meyer, December 11, 2015, 11:47:20 AM

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j meyer


interesting. Feels like programers feel like all the major stuff in graphics is done, and now people are rushing into any niche that can find to develop there. That could be a good thing for sure. Specialized tools really seems to be a staple of success for end users... After talent and imagination of course!

Did you use this for anything J? At first I was thinking of etching when I read "Stipple"-Gen2. The look the tool gives is more like pop art from Roy Lichtenstein, which could be cool, but the examples are only black and white.
not of topic in my opinion

To tell you the truth, I like the esthetic a lot. I think The OP tool may have some fun locked in it too. Thanks J.
It has been eaten.


Cool, Chuck Close sprang to mind here too!
Woo eggbot compatible !

j meyer

Michael - Haven't done anything with it so far,just got aware of it yesterday.
Not only do I like stuff like that,but thought immediately of using this as a way
to produce masks for painting,sculpting,displacing etc.
Yeah,popart had lots of that.

Inky - Think I saw some of his stuff before,nice examples.
