
Started by KyL, April 05, 2016, 09:22:59 AM

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So with the upcoming deadline I thought it was time to break the secrecy around my VR submission. I submitted everything 3 weeks ago so anything here is considered "final" (even though I could always adjust bits and pieces...)

Jo Kariboo

I very like your planet earth, perhaps inserted moon nearest the camera for more effect with the VR.


Cool idea to float in space. I wonder how that would look in glasses. A bit lonely I guess.


would be cool to fall all the way to the ground.
It has been eaten.

Ariel DK

Like a "plan B", I was to submit something like this. I think that Im taking the right decision by not doing so. ;)

@KyL if you are thinking to render more low altitude images, remember that there is many resources and useful information in the forum.

good luck!
Hmmm, what version of Terragen does God use?



Quote from: TheBadger on April 05, 2016, 11:03:46 PM
would be cool to fall all the way to the ground.

That was my original plan but it doesn't fit in the challenge rules so...  ::)

Quote from: Ariel DKMultimedia on April 06, 2016, 02:18:51 PM
@KyL if you are thinking to render more low altitude images, remember that there is many resources and useful information in the forum.

Thanks for the link, but I already looked at this when I was doing a similar setup at work. I ended up having a fairly good scene where you can use georeferencing to upres any part of the earth you need. My only limitation though was the cloud texture, as the biggest data source I could find was a set of two 21.5k tiles from NASA. This gives a 43k global latlong, which is the size of all the textures I used for my submission here. (I also made a 86k color map but terragen wouldn't load it). Even 43k is pretty limited altitude-wise. (texture starts to break when you go closer than 800km roughly)

Thanks guys

Ariel DK

if you still have time to render one more, you can divide the texture
of 86k to smaller pieces in PS (43k or 21,6k), and for the clouds, you can try using this:
should be useful for 520 km altitude ;)
Hmmm, what version of Terragen does God use?