Need advice on how to create atmosphere and clouds like this.

Started by axel.g, January 29, 2017, 08:15:03 AM

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Hello, i'm trying Terragen right now, so i'm kinda new to this programm. I want to recreate atmosphere like this: please see attachment.

So kinda overcast dark sky, and heavy dark clouds with some breaks in them. The sun itself is not very apparent.

Right now i'm trying to understand how to make my sky dark like this. The atmosphere setting are quite interesting, seems like they trying to simulate real world sky. But it makes it kinda hard for me to understand how to achieve desirable effect  ::)

Any advice appreciated.


Indeed. Terragen is capable to create highly realistic atmo and clouds

The attached file can give you a starting point. Hope it helps.
Dell T5500 with Dual Hexa Xeon CPU 3Ghz, 32Gb ram, GTX 1080
Amiga 1200 8Mb ram, 8Gb ssd