Would someone mind creating some 'very' simple rock samples for me.
I'm using the fake stones shader to 'paint' large swaths of my landscape with various rocks but no matter what I do they come out white.
I change the colour on the shader.. nothing happens.
I had a child shader and set a colour.. nothing happens..
Everything just stays white.
I have found some examples that appear to be using the fake stone shader as a 'husk' to paint on ... is that how people do it? Do they disable the actual node and apply textures further along the node tree?
If someone is willing what I'd like to see is two things
1. A fake rock shader example, default grey landscape, and the rocks are pink. (just so I can see it)
2. A fake rock shader example, default grey landscape, and the rocks are textured with sponge bob (can this be done)
Teach me to fish... Please