The Sea

Started by Lady of the Lake, August 23, 2017, 09:11:17 PM

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Lady of the Lake

Okay this was a WIP.  I had to shut down my computer and when I opened this file again this is what it said. Parse error at line 6894: not well formed (invalid token)  I had closed and saved the file just like always.  If you try to render the image, you just get a pure black screen.  Am I up the proverbial creek here and this project is lost?  Sigh.


I would suggest opening the tgd file with an XML editor and looking at the Terragen coding at line 6894. It may be a simply corrupted line and something where you can see the error, (such as missing quote marks) and fix it by typing in a valid line. Six thousand lines does sound like a rather large file.

You may want to post the tgd here and perhaps it can be figured out and fixed that way.

It should be quite human readable, like this for a small example of how one power fractal is coded:
      name = "Power fractal shader v3 02_1_1_1_1_1"
      gui_use_node_pos = "1"
      gui_node_pos = "-1520 560 0"
      gui_group = "Shaders"
      enable = "1"
      input_node = "Power fractal shader v3 02_1_1"
      gui_use_preview_patch_size = "1"
      gui_preview_patch_size = "15.625 15.625"
      seed = "26885"
      feature_scale = "1"
      lead-in_scale = "763"
      smallest_scale = "0.1"
      noise_octaves = "15"
      obey_smoothing_filter = "1"
      noise_stretch_XYZ = "1 1 1"
      apply_high_colour = "1"
      high_colour = "0.2815710008 0.318749994 0.152132988"
      apply_low_colour = "0"
      low_colour = "0 0 0"
      colour_contrast = "0.3"
      colour_offset = "0"
      colour_roughness = "3"
      clamp_high_colour = "0"
      clamp_low_colour = "0"
      apply_displacement = "1"
      displacement_direction = "1"
      displacement_amplitude = "0.01"
      displacement_offset = "0"
      displacement_roughness = "1"
      displacement_spike_limit = "1"
      continue_spike_limit = "0"
      adjust_coastline = "0"
      coastline_altitude = "0"
      coastline_smoothing = "30"
      noise_flavour = "0"
      ridge_smoothing = "0"
      gully_smoothing = "0"
      noise_variation = "0.8"
      variation_method = "1"
      buoyancy_from_variation = "0.0125"
      clumping_of_variation = "0.7875"
      better_colour_continuity = "0"
      better_displacement_continuity = "0"
      distort_by_normal = "1"
      distortion_by_normal = "5"
      lead-in_warp_effect = "0"
      lead-in_warp_amount = "0.5"
      less_warp_at_feature_scale = "0"
      allow_vertical_warp = "1"
      four-d_noise = "0"
      four-d_noise_speed = "0.1"
      reference_frame_number = "0"
      blend_by_shader = "0"
      blending_shader = ""
      fit_blendshader_to_this = "0"
      invert_blendshader = "0"

There is a free XML editor here if you don't have one. Or you could just take a look at it in Notepad. That would give you a rough idea if it looks human readable or looks like unreadable garbage.


You said when you try to render you get a black screen? Could you not open a second copy of terragen and copy paste everything across ?

Lady of the Lake

Thanks for the answers.  Fleetwood:  I opened the TDG in Notepad...........and then wondered how in the heck will I know which line is the 6984?   Anyway, I scrolled down and about midway there was complete garbage for a long way down...then it changed back to normal again.   Since I was at a loss as to what to do,  I opened the TDG file again and looked closely at it.  Almost everything had doubled!!!  So I deleted all of the duplicates and now the file works.   No wonder there were so many lines.   :)

I have no idea why this happened but am glad to learn about the notepad thing.  Will continue to work on the image some more. 

MANY thanks. 



Cool, glad it turned out to be fixable. Your initial render looks very nice.  :)


Yes great start.  Very promising scene.
Dell T5500 with Dual Hexa Xeon CPU 3Ghz, 32Gb ram, GTX 1080
Amiga 1200 8Mb ram, 8Gb ssd


Wonderful work so far!

So glad you rescued it :) All this open xml is new to me as well, so I tried it in my Notepad and it is readable. I wondered if it autosaves as xml or not, but it sounds like you had success.
To see the file line numbers, from VIEW select STATUS BAR and then at the bottom of the window your line numbers follow the cursor placement

Lady of the Lake

Quote from: luvsmuzik on August 24, 2017, 07:37:29 AM
Wonderful work so far!

So glad you rescued it :) All this open xml is new to me as well, so I tried it in my Notepad and it is readable. I wondered if it autosaves as xml or not, but it sounds like you had success.
To see the file line numbers, from VIEW select STATUS BAR and then at the bottom of the window your line numbers follow the cursor placement

I tried this in Notepad....still no line numbers.  But if I remember correctly the XML editor that Fleetwood gave the link to, does.  I bookmarked the link in case I ever need to try it again.  Thanks again everyone. 


If you turn off Word Wrap first, then you can use the View and Status bar to show what line number your cursor is placed on.


O...I...C.... :)

Quote from: fleetwood on August 24, 2017, 08:34:11 AM
If you turn off Word Wrap first, then you can use the View and Status bar to show what line number your cursor is placed on.

Ariel DK

You named the tgd file and every node in the project in english?
This problem can be cause when you rename a element of your scene with other languages
Hmmm, what version of Terragen does God use?