just wanted to show how you can use thermal erosion for getting lava flows. The overall idea is to use thermal erosion simulation to move sediment down the volcano slope, like lava.
1. Let we have our volcano.
To not destroy our volcano we should add some "material" to the scene and apply thermal stress to it.
2. We can use Simple Shape Shader as our "material emitter", using its displacement to add some material, and also using its color output as a mask for thermal erosion, to prevent destroying of all volcano.
3. Next we add Classic Erosion node, set "Fluvial erosion strength" to 0, enable strong thermal erosion (set its strength to 10 or 15), and mask it by our lava emitter.
(volcano_with_lava.jpg) Excuse me for simple non-realistic smoke, it's just a very quickly added cloud.
I've also attached .tgd for this scene. Use "Displacement amplitude" of "Lava emitter" node to control the amount of lava in the scene, and "Duration" of "Lava" node to control lava flow length.