Good to hear that you have had conversations with the Megascans folks. The development of a compound object tool where you could load multiple object types; say for example a cube, a sphere and a cylinder in the same population would be great. To complete 'realistic' scenes involving vegetation, to have he ability to distribute various sorts of debris and fallen leaves in a small number of populations would a huge benefit. Since the subject has been opened: one thing that would be helpful would be a way to refine population distributions in regards the outer boundaries. The painted shader works well, but to have some ability to control the populations 'fall-off' towards the edges of the designated pop area of the density shader would be welcome. I don't know how difficult some sort of 'curve editor' would be to implement (or even if it can be), but currently the populated objects can tend to cluster at the perimeters and a lot of random seed setting and manual culling are necessary to get a good composition. Once again, thanks for the feedback, I think all of us can appreciate the huge workload that You and Matt have there at Planetside.