Nice...uh, but Carrara

Started by rcallicotte, July 16, 2009, 01:40:31 PM

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Still looks nice.  It has a sort of soft look that shouldn't be that hard to do in TG2.  Nice water, too.  And that could be done in TG2, as well.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Carrara renders are usually sharper than Vue one (actually Carrara and TG2 render have often similar sharpness and luminosity) while Vue ones are often softer and somewhat darker.

If you have a look at this DAZ product (from the same HowieFarkes), you will see a render which has nothing to envy w.r.t. to Vue foggy/dreamy ones.

The most interesting aspects to all this are that:
1) Carrara costs a lot less than Vue and is an all-inclusive modeling/rendering application;
2) you can get most of Carrara experience just using the standard version;
3) HowieFarkes sells on DAZ his scenes, so you can get them and tear them apart, learning his techniques.


P.S.: just a note, calico: those trees are not external XFrog meshes, but Carrara trees... Carrara tree engine is the most powerful I have ever seen outside specialized botanical applications.


The foreground is nice but the background says fake due to all of the trees being the same tone of green. Other then that this looks good for Carrara.


That's a really nice picture. While I agree that all of this could be done in TG2, I really haven't seen people put this much effort into getting realistic plant cover and distribution around here. Say what you will about the background (which I think still looks pretty realistic: our forests in northern Minnesota around Lake Superior often have a fairly uniform green), the foreground has a great distribution and variety of plants and shapes that give it a great organic feel. - A great Terragen resource with models, contests, galleries, and forums.


I know. I have seen plenty of pictures of that state. The variation is more faint. To me it seems that the color variation tends to be more faint along the more moist evergreen climates. I guess it all depends on what the artist had in mind for the climate he had tried portraying.


Howie Farkes produces some very nice renders...this is no exception!


All the rocks are objects, probably created in Carrara and the population system is very simular TG2's population and masking system. Carrara is an easy app to learn. I use it to build most of my models and I have several background animations that the producers here at the station use for their commercials. The drawback is Carrara's clouds Suck!!!!!

P.S. Carrara 6 Pro cost me $64.95 USD as a Platinum Member of DAZ 3D.