A belated and delighted thanks to you Hannes for your wonderful Christmas crib and insights into the Hogwarts School of Nodes. Another thanks too to Dune/Ulco for further help, without which I wouldn't have gotten far.
To appreciate the 'magic' of these shaders I enclose a series of pics showing progress as they are introduced.
first up is the basic import at a 1:1:1 scale from a PoserPro 11 object export without any tweaks within Poser;

This is really rough as you can see;

Then the amazing magic happens once the tgcs are introduced;

With a tweak for the lips to give some colour and reflection
I also include two large images showing the mouth and fingernails — tho the latter can't really be appreciated in this render, the teeth however, come out really well indeed
First image was rendered in Poser for comparison, also SSS textures, and if you have the patience to see it at full size you will see minor skin details like fine hairs — again just as it comes in Poser no tweaks

Second is the same pose done in T4 and although some of the fine skin detail is lost it is still amazing imho

For anyone interested in taking this further I've uploaded the tgd file and Gina figure object files with image maps etc to dropbox and you should be able to downloaded it here
https://www.dropbox.com/s/e7wyuzl47pq8zsy/Gina%20Archive%20plus%20tgd%20file.zip?dl=0I haven't done the eyes with a separate object as yet

and there are still some more things to tweak, but the results really are 'magic' I feel.
Many thanks once again to Hannes and Dune/Ulco for their kind generosity and time.
Platform: MacBookAir6,2 i7, 2core 1processor, 8GBram