Feature scale, lead in scale and smallest scale

Started by james adamson, December 31, 2019, 05:54:44 AM

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james adamson

Hi again, apologies for the barrage of posts this morning, but can anyone explain maybe in visual terms what exactly Feature scale, lead in scale and smallest scale
do and how they relate to each other. I have looked at numerous posts  and the videos on Planetside's website regarding this and just when I think I have got it and then try something out on the software I realise I do not fully understand the concept. Is there a way I can produce a 2d version of Terragens fractals and play with various settings so I can visualise more speedily what is happening. I do vaguely understand whats going on and have used fractal noise in Nuke and in Modo it is just that at the moment I am kinda randomly moving the sliders until I get a result I like and I know that is not the way to proceed if I am to produce something specific.
Thanks in advance.


One way of visualising this is imagine you are using a PF to generate land on a planet, the Lead-in acts as the continent size, the Feature Scale the size of the coves and land spits, and the Smallest Scale is how much definition there is along the coast line.

You can click the blue screen icon in the PF to see an XZ projection of the noise on a flat surface at Y=0 in the preview window that appears. Noise in Terragen is inherently 3D (some nodes are 4D) which means the noise changes through Y. To see that, add a Transform Input shader to a PF, click on the blue preview icon and add an offset in the Y position, you will see the noise change shape as you shift it through Y.