Hi all.
I'm hoping to generate very specific (read: art-directable) procedural, abstract 3D shape to use as a base for cloud-generation.
I want to be able to generate, place, warp/control everything about the shape (without using an SSS + cloud node altitude/depth to define it's borders).
How do YOU do this?
I used a camera+distance shader to generate a sphere (see pic), giving me what I want, but it's unwarp-able, un-transformable.
1. Can I convert that into data which is affected by warps, or is it locked into it's 'final' position forever?
2. Can someone tell me how to generate a sphere in space, which I can then transform/warp? It has to be possible using function nodes...sin/cos + SSS?
Again, I want to generate it, and have complete control over where I place it and how I warp it.
I'm not a math guy, a beginner function-noder, but am willing to learn!
Thanks all,