1) I don't like all my stuff just downloaded and used outside scope like my concrete I specifically stated was for educational example usage. Probably why you don't share much high fidelity/detailed examples, no? Gumroad and Google drive both allow me to track every download to a person.
2) I also don't have the intent to just give stuff away and hope people will donate for more, or purchase one of my other projects or setups. Freelancing is my only source of income living rural like I do. I gotta feed and cloth my daughter and son as best I can.
With how much this forum is harvested for content by content miner bots too, I don't like how files are public.
I also absolutely hate you loose editing access to your posts after awhile in a forum meant for future reading and posts being information based in a growing software. I'd love to edit old topics with new versions for newer TG, plus edit information in older topics not even prudent anymore. And when the user agreement says it's all our content and responsibilities, it's weird we would ever loose access to any post we made. I feel it was only implemented to prevent users from removing their files like a few users that did so and abandoned the forums. Which is really deplorable.