Thanks a lot, Klaus!
Originally I rendered the animation at 1280X720px. I used a GI cache and rendered with the legacy renderer (PT wouldn't be beneficial very much for that kind of scene). Rendertimes were between ten and fifteen minutes per frame.
I know, creating some sort of particle dust in another app would be not too difficult, but I don't know how to import this sim into TG. I mean, I could of course import particle meshes, but how should I make them look like dust, unless it would be millions?
Or do you mean rendering the dust in another app and comping it together? That's of course the way it's done professionally for movies for example. I might consider that, but usually I try to do things like that in TG first. Just because I want to know, how far I can push it.
I did something similar before:,23776.0.htmlbut it's quite tedious, and yet not perfect.